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Info to suppliers

Information to partners and suppliers

Do you have a nice product or service that you would like us to try?
We like that!
To save both our time, please read the information on this page before you contact us.

Products that we are NOT interested in

We are on the lookout for almost any type of product, with some exceptions.

  • Products that are illegal in Sweden, such as weapons, drugs, radar warning devices etcetera.
  • Medicine (the laws in Sweden are too complicated for our small minds).
  • Fake products that are violating copyright laws in Sweden or the European Union.

Special requirements for some products

  • If you are selling products that should be connected to 220VAC the product must be CE-approved and you must be able to send us a proof of the CE-approval.
  • If you are selling LED-ligths you must be able to send us proof of EMC.
  • Lithium batteries must have proof that they have passed IATA-tests.
  • If you are selling products that are protected by copyright laws within the European Union you must supply proof that the products are not fake.

Spam and junkmail

We have a very strict policy against spam and junkmail.
We have the same spam definition as Spamhaus. This means that any bulk-mail that we have not explicitly approved is spam. Any such mail might result in permanent ban of your company.
This also applies to existing partners.
Do not test us on this!

How to contact us

Send us an e-mail to suppliers@highcap.se. To indicate that you are a human being who have read the text above, put the word "HC15" somewhere in the e-mail. Without this word your e-mail will be stopped by the spam filter.